Awareness of the Holocaust means preserving the memory and drawing from its educational energy to fight antisemitism, racism and group-based hatred today.
Our projects
Find out more about our projects on National Socialism, the Holocaust and its aftermath.
Landecker Digital Memory Lab

Landecker Digital Memory Lab
Exploring how Holocaust museums, memorials and archives can make better use of digital technologies

"What does it have to do with me?" - an exhibition
Remember. The Children of Bullenhuser Damm.

Remember. The Children of Bullenhuser Damm.
A Landecker Digital Remembrance Game
Academic Research Grant

Academic Research Grant
Research projects on National Socialism and the Holocaust, on Antisemitism and group hatred, impact and aftermath
Lecturer Program

Lecturer Program
Post-doc program on methodologically innovative Holocaust research

Digital Game on Family Memories of the Nazi Era

Digital Game on Family Memories of the Nazi Era
A digital game to encourage explorations of one’s own family history
Auschwitz Prisoner Art

Auschwitz Prisoner Art
On the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz's liberation: A new exhibition of artworks by prisoners and survivors is being created
Claude Lanzmanns Audio-Archive

Claude Lanzmanns Audio-Archive
Interviews with witnesses of the Shoah
Shoah Stories

Introducing our outstanding fourth cohort of the Landecker Lecturer Program: Welcome, Pavel Brunssen, Bareez Majid, Avner Ofrath and Jan Rybak!

Workshop report: Remember. The children of Bullenhuser Damm
Workshop report: Remember. The children of Bullenhuser Damm

#LastSeen: Deportation photos from a Jewish perspective

Hearts of Darkness Colonialism and Nazi rule
Introducing: Hearts of Darkness - Nazi Rule and Colonial Violence

Opening of the online exhibition: “Forced Homes.
Opening of the online exhibition: “Forced Homes. Antisemitic Housing Policy in Berlin 1939-1945”

#LastSeen. Bilder der NS-Deportationen
Introducing: An international research project on deportation photos from the Nazi era

Introducing: Blind spot – The Remembrance of the Holocaust in Ukraine in German-Jewish Memory Culture

Introducing MARCHIVUM
Introducing MARCHIVUM: Multimedia and interactive commemoration in Alfred Landecker's hometown Mannheim.