Remember. The Children of Bullenhuser Damm.
A Landecker Digital Remembrance Game
Roads not Taken: An exhibition at the Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin in collaboration with the Alfred Landecker Foundation.
Restitution as a founding act. Dan Diner on the 70th anniversary of the Reparations Agreement in Luxembourg.
CeMAS Report: Durch die Krise ins Reich: Postpandemische Entwicklungen von Reichsbürgern und Souveränisten in Deutschland
A stumbling stone for Alfred Landecker: Dan Diner’s speech on the occasion of its laying in memory of the foundation's namesake
Israel’s Constitutional Crisis. By Barak Medina
We cannot afford to be isolated. By Barak Medina
Emergency aid for Israeli victims of Hamas terror and to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) for medical care in the Palestinian territories
“For evil to flourish it only requires good men to do nothing”