Remember. The Children of Bullenhuser Damm.
A Landecker Digital Remembrance Game
Roads not Taken: An exhibition at the Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin in collaboration with the Alfred Landecker Foundation.
Restitution as a founding act. Dan Diner on the 70th anniversary of the Reparations Agreement in Luxembourg.
2 years after the attack: What lessons can we learn from Hanau? By Benjamin Fischer
Presenting the new cohort: we welcome outstanding Landecker Lecturers Agata Pietrasik, Eliana Hadjisavvas, Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe, Mykola Makhortykh and Nicholas Courtman.
Agata Pietrasik
Eliana Hadjisavvas
Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe
“For evil to flourish it only requires good men to do nothing”