Rachel Auerbach, cultural genocide and a new conception of victims’ testimonies

by Leora Bilsky

Illustration: Jens Bonnke

The Alfred Landecker Memorial Lecture in 2023 was given by Prof. Leora Bilsky (Professor of Law and the Director of the Minerva Center for Human Rights, Tel Aviv University). It was dedicated to Rachel Auerbach (1903-1976), a Jewish-Polish writer, historian and Holocaust survivor, and her contribution to the Eichmann trial. Rachel Auerbach made a significant impact on a new conception of victim-centered atrocity trials in the wake of World War II.

Watch the video recording of the lecture as well as the subsequent discussion with Prof. Leora Bilsky, Prof. Dan Diner (Chairman of the Alfred Landecker Foundation), Prof. Jonathan Wolff (Alfred Landecker Professor of Values and Public Policy at Oxford University), Federica D'Alessandra (Deputy Director of the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC)) and Dr. Nicola Palmer (Reader in Criminal Law at King's College London).

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