The Alfred Landecker Foundation supports Hillel Deutschland’s Leadership and Empowerment Program. Through various activities and programs, young people from diverse Jewish backgrounds will be given the opportunity to reimagine Jewish continuity in Germany and learn how to be a strong voice within society.
With the help of trainings and events they develop tools to become more publicly involved concerning matters of the Jewish community as well as in the overall fight for democratic values within our society.
The Leadership and Empowerment Program is based on three core pillars:
1. Landecker-Hillel Action Fellowship
The Fellowship offers students and/or young professionals between the age of 22-30 years over the course of 18 months the opportunity to create social action programming, assist with project implementation, and activate volunteers around Germany under the guidance of Hillel’s Director of Leadership and Engagement.
2. Landecker-Hillel Leadership Incubator
This Incubator is a bonded cohort of young Jewish leaders with vision and drive to take over Jewish communal leadership, understanding the direct impact they can have on making our existing Jewish communities and German society stronger, more pluralistic and inclusive. The Leadership Incubator will take place over a ten-month period, with an initial cohort of 10 people. Seminars will include sessions on leadership training, Jewish education, identity development, project building, and program design.
3. Visionssummit
The Visionssummit is a platform for Jews to participate in discussions about Jewish life, identity and belonging in Germany. Participants engage in conversations and panels that shed light on the status quo of Jewish communities and consider together what meaningful community life looks like for them. The goal of the Summit is for participants to be better equipped to shape the future of their communities and Jewish life in Germany.