Support for Israelis and Palestinians: The Alfred Landecker Foundation supports Israeli victims of Hamas terror and helps the Palestinian civilian population

Emergency aid for Israeli victims of Hamas terror and donation to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) for medical care for Palestinians in the Westbank

December 20, 2023

On October 7, Hamas terrorists tortured, murdered, and kidnapped Israeli civilians in Southern Israel in a targeted military attack. Subsequently, the Israeli military launched an offensive aimed at crushing Hamas. Over the course of this armed conflict, there have been severe casualties among the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza – also due to the Islamist terror group Hamas using the population as human shields. At the same time, the number of violent acts committed by extremist settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank is increasing.

The Alfred Landecker Foundation supports civilian victims of this conflict. Immediately after the attack on October 7, the Foundation donated to institutions in southern Israel that help families and Shoah survivors affected by the terror.

The Foundation now donates to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to provide emergency medical aid as well as psychological support to the Palestinian civilian population in the West Bank. The Foundation’s donation will support the supply of medical care and the transportation of the sick and injured, among other things.

Hamas' terrorist attacks on Southern Israel have terrible consequences for both Israeli and Palestinian civilians. With these donations, the Foundation seeks to contribute to the alleviation of suffering and the promotion of a peaceful coexistence in the future.

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